
Birthday/Job Hunt/Surgery

So, it's been awhile since I've done a personal post, so here's an update for all of you (two) readers.

Sunday was my birthday - the BIG 23. My birthdays can be measured in the amount of time it takes me to actually realize that it's my birthday after I wake up. When you're 8, as soon as you wake up you're looking for your first present. I can remember not realizing I was 19 until I was already in the shower. This year, I spent close to an hour of my birthday unaware that it was, in fact, my birthday. Okay, so that's not really THAT long, but it really does contrast your attitude when you're a kid.

Part of being 23, apparently, means really being a part of the "real world." Part of being part of the "real world" means looking for a job when you need one, and not relying on nepotism to come through for you in the clutch. My internship is done this June, so I have to look for a "real" youth ministry job. Not that this job was fake - I did plenty of work - but I just didn't get a "real" salary. Right now I'm talking seriously with a First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina. They seem pretty interested in me being their Jr. High director, and I'm pretty interested as well. I've got a pretty big phone interview tomorrow night, so we'll see how that goes. Other than that, there's nothing in the pipeline for right now.

Side note - it's very interesting to me that most of the time when I announce that I'm looking for a job because my internship is almost over, almost everyone asks "Oh, in what field?" or something to that effect. You don't ask that if someone leaves a IT job, you assume they're staying in that field unless they tell you otherwise. I guess people just assume I'll eventually get sick of kids, or God, or combining the two.

Anyway, another part of being 23 means getting surgery for the ACL you tore when you were still 22. I'm told it's a right of passage that marks your transition from a puny child who relies on his parent's health insurance, to a MAN who sucks money out of his OWN insurance policy - or wallet. In my case, it may turn out to be both, but that's still yet to be determined. In any case, I'm reporting to the surgery center on Thursday bright and early at 6am. You know, if they're going to operate on you and take you out of commission for at least a week, the least they could let you do is sleep in a little, don't ya think? So, I'll be a shut in for basically the next week, on crutches for a week after that, and in physical therapy for the first quarter of my 23rd year. (I guess it's actually the beginning of my 24th year...) While I'm not looking forward to all the rehab and not being able to do fun things like walk briskly, I can't wait for Thursday to get here so we can just begin to get this over with. Maybe while I'm stuck here at home I can begin the invention process for bionic knees...


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