
In The Beginning...

...there was The Cheat. Actually, I don't think that's exactly right, but I couldn't think of a creative way to start my very first entry ever, so I figured I might as well rip something off, and if you're going to do that, you might as well go for the kill shot and rip off God. At least, that's my thinking.

Let me start by saying this: I only have this blog because I had to make one to get a user ID, so that I could log on and post comments to madden2005.blogspot.com and not have it say "from anonymous."

So, if it never gets updated, that's why. Really, I don't care what happens to this blog - I didn't even want it to ever exist in the first place. But, I'm also pro-life, and decided that just because this was an unwanted blog-nancy, I didn't have the right to terminate it prematurely. That being said, if the mood strikes me to put something down here from time to time, now that I have the option, so be it.


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